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Can't believe we needed to start a new one already.November 10th: Marine Corps Birthday, National Forget-Me-Not Day, and National Vanilla Cupcake Day.🇺🇸The United States Marine Corps Birthday! The United States Marine Corps, is a branch of the United States Armed Forces, that is responsible for providing power protection from the sea using the mobility of the United States Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces. The Continental Congress first established the Continental Marines on November 10, 1775, leading up to the American Revolution. Two battalions of Marines fought for independence both on land and at sea. The birth of the U.S.

Marine Corps began as a way to augment naval forces in the Revolutionary War. The recruiting headquarters was in the Tun Tavern on Water Street in Philadelphia.

The Corps was disband at the end of the Revolutionary War. However, on July 11, 1798, Congress ordered the creation of the Corps, named it the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and directed that it be available for service under the Secretary of the Navy. In 1921, General John Archer Lejeune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, initiated the tradition of publishing a reminder of honorable service to all Marine commands on the anniversary of the Corps birth. Since then, the United States Marine Corps Birthday has been honored by its members every year by republishing General Lejeune’s reminder. Gradually, balls and banquets were added to the birthday celebration. The first formal dance took place in 1923 at the Ft. Mifflin Marine Barracks in Pennsylvania.

Mock battles, sporting events and races have occurred as well. In 1925, the historic Benjamin Franklin Hotel hosted the first formal Marine Ball in honor of the 150th birthday of the Marine Corp. General Lejeune and Secretary of War Dwight Davis attended. It was Commandant, General Lemuel C. Who brought even more tradition to the warriors always faithful and always loyal to each other, their country and their traditions. Beginning in 1952, the formal cake cutting ceremony began where the first piece goes to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest.

This tradition is still practiced today.For-Me-Nots🌸National Forget-Me-Not Day! Created in 1921 to remind Americans of the sacrifices returning soldiers have made of body, blood and limb, National Forget-Me-Not Day originally raised funds for services where there were none.

This day even has its own particular flower, the Forget-Me-Not. Forget-Me-Not Day goes back to The Great War and the wounded returning soldiers who continued to require care long after the war was over. The wounded veterans’ plight was not new, but the government was unprepared for the number of returning wounding requiring attention. Very few services and organizations existed to provide the care and support the veterans needed. A movement to remember and deliver services to returning soldiers began in earnest in 1921. Judge Robert S. Marx called on the nation to establish Forget-Me-Not Day to remind the country of their sacrifices and raised funds for disabled soldiers through the sale of forget-me-nots.

The first published occurrence of this day was on December 17, 1921. Injured on November 10, 1918, during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Marx returned to the United States. A lawyer before he was a soldier, he took up his practice once more and soon was elected judge. His interest in veteran’s affairs became apparent. From fundraising to speeches, Marx made the rounds. In 1920, the Disabled American Veterans of the World War was founded and headed by Judge Marx himself. The first National Caucus was held on September 25, 1920.

It was through the DAVWW in 1922 that the first official Forget-Me-Not Day fundraising campaign launched on November 11. Throughout the 1920s, various days in November were selected to observe National Forget-Me-Not Day, including November 11 now established as Veteran’s Day or Armistice Day. Another well-known Forget-Me-Not Day is September 26th. Also known as Argonne Day in honor of the decisive battle through the Meuse-Argonne Forest.

Today, the organization that founded National Forget-Me-Not Day is named the Disabled American Veterans, supporting all disabled veterans.Vanilla Cupcake🍰National Vanilla Cupcake Day! This is basically the same as the chocolate cupcake. Cupcakes can be traced back to 1796 when a recipe notation for a cake to be baked in small cups was written in American Cookery (by Amelia Simmons). The earliest known documentation of the term cupcake was in 1828 in Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats in Eliza Leslie’s Receipts cookbook. Cupcakes were originally baked in heavy pottery cups. Today, some bakers still use individual ramekins, small coffee mugs, larger teacups, or other small ovenproof pottery-type dishes for baking their cupcakes.

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Cupcakes have also been known to be called: Fairy Cakes, Patty Cakes, and Cup Cakes (different from Cupcakes (one-word)It's a party! Happy birthday Marine Corps! Thank you for your service! Were celebrating with yummy vanilla cupcakes with pretty forget-me-nots flowers for decorations😱My deck is covered in snow❄️!Sending cupcake hugs!🐶🐞💕🍂💕🦃. I can’t believe we filled up an entire thread that originally started out as Oakley’s thread. 😊 I’m also so jealous you have snow! ☹️ I tried to get it to move away from you before it hit.

Sad Cafe Misplaced Ideals Rarest

I even begged it to come out west over my house! I know you’re not to crazy about this, but I hope you enjoy it’s beauty for me! 💖Happy birthday, Marines! 🎉🎉🎉 I had no idea that forget-me-not flowers also represented wounded veterans. I love it, though, and the perfect flower was chosen.

I join you in celebrating with a vanilla cupcake. I love vanilla cupcakes as much as chocolate ones!Sending forget-me-not vanilla cupcake hugs! November 11th: National Sundae Day, and Veterans Day.Ice Cream Sundae🍨National Sundae Day!

An ice cream sundae typically consists of one or two scoops of ice cream topped with syrup or sauce and often topped with whipped cream, maraschino cherry, sprinkles, pineapple or a variety of other toppings. The oldest known record of an ice cream sundae is an advertisement in the Ithica Daily Journal dated October 5, 1892, with the conventional day of the week spelling – Sunday. It has been hotly debated where the sundae originated. There has been a friendly rivalry between Ithica, New York, and Two Rivers, Wisconsin over which city is the true birthplace of the sundae.

The Two Rivers’ claim is that in 1881, Druggist Edward Berners served the sweet concoction when customer George Hallauer ordered an ice cream soda. Because it was the Sabbath, ice cream sodas were prohibited at that time. As a compromise, Berners served the ice cream in a dish without soda and topped it with chocolate syrup. This story is disputed by some because Berners would have only been 18 at the time the story takes place. In Ithica on a Sunday after church in 1892, Chester Platt, proprietor of Platt & Colt Pharmacy, and the Reverend John M.

Scott stopped at the pharmacy to enjoy a bowl of ice cream. Instead of just plain vanilla, Platt topped the scoops with cherry syrup and a candied cherry. The dessert looked and tasted so delightful it required its own name. It was named for the day it was created. Ithica also has some historical evidence supporting this, including the advertisement for a Cherry Sunday.🇺🇸Veterans Day is an official United States federal holiday that honors people who have served in the U.S.

Armed Forces, also known as veterans. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the end of World War I (major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect). The United States also originally observed Armistice Day, it then evolved into the current Veterans Day holiday in 1954.

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day. Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. Military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving.

The National Veterans Award, created in 1954, started in Birmingham, Alabama. Congressman Rees of Kansas was honored in Alabama as the first recipient of the award for his support offering legislation to make Veterans Day a federal holiday, which marked nine years of effort by Raymond Weeks (died in 1985) who was a World War 1 veteran.

Weeks conceived the idea in 1945, petitioned Gen. Eisenhower in 1946, and led the first Veterans Day celebration in 1947 (keeping the official name Armistice Day until Veterans Day was legal in 1954).

President Reagan honored Weeks at the White House with the Presidential Citizenship Medal in 1982 as the driving force for the national holiday. Elizabeth Dole, who prepared the briefing for President Reagan, determined Weeks as the “Father of Veterans Day.” Although originally scheduled for celebration on November 11 of every year, starting in 1971 in accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Veterans Day was moved to the fourth Monday of October. Shashirekha parinayam serial audio song youtube. In 1978, it was moved back to its original celebration on November 11.

While the legal holiday remains on November 11, if that date happens to be on a Saturday or Sunday, then organizations that formally observe the holiday will normally be closed on the adjacent Friday or Monday, respectively.Thank you, whoever created the sundae! Especially the chocolate sauce/nuts or the hot fudge/nuts ones. My hubby is thankful for the banana split. Thank you to all veterans past, present and future for your service. A thank you seems so inadequate for all that veterans do or have done. Giving up so much including their life's so the rest of us are safe.The snow was gone by 8:00am. This morning.

Not to worry it will be back.🙈 You know I scratch my head sometimes wondering the same, how did we go from Oakley being new born to national themes. That's quite a leap.🤗Sending sundae hugs!🐶🐞💕🍂💕🦃. I’m not sure how Oakley’s thread turned into what it is now, but my hubby would tell you that I’m good at changing the subject without telling him, so I confuse him. After 25 years of marriage, I finally just told him to buckle up and enjoy the ride. I keep life more fun that way.

He thinks he has better ways of having fun! 😂😁I’m so glad there is another ice cream day. We haven’t had one for some time now. I find it no coincidence that the ice cream sundae (Sunday) was invented in a pharmacy.

I have know for a long time that I’ve cream is good medicine! 🤓🍨🍦Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served! Our town has a huge parade every year. In fact, it’s supposed to be the biggest Veterans Day parade this side of the Mississippi River.

Our local newspaper publishes a Veterans Day edition in which people/business can thank specific veterans or all veterans in general, including remembrances of fallen soldiers. When I was still teaching, as a class project, we would submit a thank you to all veterans, written by the students. I would teach them about the importance of and differences between Veterans and Memorial Day too.It’s another sunny (and cool) day here. I keep asking the sunshine to head east for your house. Hopefully it will before any more snow falls. 😊 Sending sundae hugs on Sunday!

November 12th: National French Dip Day, National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day, and National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.Ah jus Dip Roast Beef🥖National French Dip Day! Served up hot, tender slices of beef on a French roll to make a delicious sandwich. Sometimes onions, peppers or even cheese are added. However, the key ingredient is the au jus for dipping the sandwich in. Au jus is the combination of tender beef swimming in a flavor bath of pan drippings.

Cole’s French Dip, the originator of the French Dip sandwich, founded National French Dip Day in 2018 in honor of the anniversary of their opening. The historic eatery opened on November 12, 1908, in downtown Los Angeles, California.Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies🍕National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day! Pizza lovers pile on your favorite toppings on this annual pizza holiday. Olives, pepperoni, sausage, peppers onions, mushrooms, bacon and pineapple approved! Just no fishy business on this national day, or no pizza for you!

In ancient Greece, the Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs and cheese which some believe is the beginning of the pizza.In Byzantine Greek, the word was spelled “πίτα”, pita, meaning pie. A sheet of dough topped with cheese and honey, then flavored with bay leaves was developed by the Romans.The modern pizza had it’s beginning in Italy as the Neapolitan flatbread.The original pizza used only mozzarella cheese, mainly the highest quality buffalo mozzarella variant which was produced in the surroundings of Naples.It was estimated that the annual production of pizza cheese in the United States in 1997 was 2 billion pounds.The first United States pizza establishment opened in 1905 and was in New York’s Little Italy.

Pizza has become one of America’s favorite meals.📚Chicken Soup for the Soul is a publisher and consumer goods company founded in 1993 with its headquarters in Cos Cob, Connecticut. The first book, as most subsequent titles in the series, was of true stories written by ordinary people about their own lives and soon became a best-seller.

This day was created to celebrate who you are, where you have been, where you are going and who you will be thankful for when you get there.I think I will like French Dip Day! I like philly steak cheese and a roast beef sandwich, why not add the au jus for dipping, sounds good! Pizza,💜 my favorite word. When I read the themes for today I thought we were having a total food day. Okay, so I'm not eating the book📚😀.

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I have my parents to thank for the person I am.It was sunny here today but chilly.Sending big squishy hugs!🐶💕🍂💕🦃. Welcome, Ef21! 😊That’s so funny because I thought it was a total food day, too! 😂 No, I’m not eating the book, but I’ve read several versions of it, including Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul.

I enjoy them, just as I enjoy real chicken noodle soup!Have a busy morning ahead of me, so this will be! 😍 Just the way we like it, my anchovies! I love French dip sandwiches too, with the au jus. I don’t eat it often, but we have a restaurant in town that makes a yummy version!Sending cheesy pizza hugs with pepperoni! I saved some cheese just for you-know-who! November 13th: World Kindness Day, and National Indian Pudding Day.🌷World Kindness Day, we are encouraged to spread kindness.

We want to share it more than usual because studies show when others observe kindness in action they are more likely to carry out an act of kindness, too. We each have the potential to improve each others lives through understanding and kindness. Whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker or stranger, our ability to show our humanity should have no limit. The World Kindness Movement started World Kindness Day in 1998 and has spread to 28 countries.Indian PuddingNational Indian Pudding Day!

It was in the seventeenth century that English colonists brought hasty pudding to North America and completely transformed it. Although it was initially made with wheat, they substituted cornmeal due to a shortage of the grain at the time. The colonists had learned how to cultivate maize (corn) from the indigenous peoples. Indian pudding was derived from their name for cornmeal, Indian meal. Milk was substituted for water, and they added either molasses or maple syrup along with cinnamon, ground ginger, butter, eggs, raisins, and nuts.

Indian pudding is then slowly baked for several hours, transforming its texture from the original porridge-like quality of hasty pudding to a much smoother texture which is more typical of custard. Indian pudding was found in most American cookbooks before 1900.

20th-century commercial puddings with industrially perfect creamy consistency replaced the popularity of Indian pudding. The long cooking time required for Indian pudding did not appeal to 20th century home cooks. Indian pudding is still associated with autumn holidays and is occasionally served by some restaurants. Vanilla ice cream or whipped cream are usually served with Indian pudding.Be kind everyone!

You never know when you might need it in return. I had heard of Indian pudding, but have never had a chance to try it. The closes pudding I've seen to it is persimmon pudding.

And I don't care for it.Hi Ef! Everyone is welcome.

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I was putting these on here for everyone. Thank you and anyone else that is reading them. And if I get anything wrong please don't hesitate to let me know. Because I want it to be right.Sending warm squishy hugs!🐶💕🍂💕🦃.

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