Gpon Planning Software

Geospatial Network Inventory FREE (GNI FREE) is a free version of telecom network inventory system GNI. The solution was prepared for the telecom operators and companies that plan, design and build FTTH networks. The application architecture is based on the QGIS geospatial platform.

  1. Gpon Planning Software Free

By combining a wide range of QGIS vector libraries and FTTH/GPON engineering rules we were able to create a product automating the work in designing a concept of the planned fibre optic network.Standard mechanisms provided by the GRASS library, publicly available data and background maps from OpenStreetMap have been utilised in the solution. The system works on the local SpatiaLite database which is an element of the shared GNI FREE distribution.

Gigabyte Passive Optical Networks (GPON’s) are networks whichrely on optical cables to deliver information. GPON’s are currently theleading form of Passive Optical Networks. GPONS offer up to a 1:64ratio on a single fiber. As opposed to a standard copper wire in mostnetworks, GPON’s are 95% more energy efficient. In addition toefficiency, gigabyte passive optical networks provide a low costsolutions to adding users through splitters which make GPON’s desirablein populated areas.A TDMA, time division multiple access, format is used in GPONin order to designate bandwidths to each ONU. Depending on the serviceprovider and how they decide to allocate the bandwidth, each ONU canreceive a downstream rate of 2.488 Gbits/s.The upstream rate however will receive less than its maximumdue to the sharing of other ONUs.

Work planning software

Gpon Planning Software Free

The ONUs will communicate with the OLTand it will determine the distance and time delay for everysubscriber.To see more on how GPON works,.

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